Solarize Atlanta brings Savings and Celebration to Affordable Housing in West Atlanta
Atlanta, GA— For six months Solarize Atlanta helped make it easier and cheaper for Atlantans to put solar on their roofs and nearly doubled the amount of residential solar in the city. Proceeds from the project allowed for a solar array to be donated to QuestCDC, in West Atlanta. Quest works tirelessly to develop affordable housing and provide services to underserved individuals and families.
Most solar systems installed on Atlanta homes through Solarize Atlanta are off-setting 60% of energy usage for these properties. “For the Quest property, the 18kw solar installation is expected to save the organization almost $5,000 a year or more,” says Seth Gunning, solar installer with Creative Solar USA, the company donating the system. Quest Communities was selected for its rooftop viability, its capacity to educate the community about the benefits of solar, and the increased savings the donated array would provide the organization. The solar panels were installed just this month.
“Solarize Atlanta is one of ten campaigns in Georgia working to remove barriers that property owners encounter when seeking to install solar,” says Jennette Gayer of Environment Georgia. She continues, “Each campaign has a commitment to donate at least one solar installation to a nonprofit serving the wider community.”
Solarize Atlanta has been a community-led initiative organized by a coalition of partners including Georgia Interfaith Power & Light, Environment Georgia, Partnership for Southern Equity, Sierra Club, Southface Energy Institute, Solar Crowdsource and Creative Solar USA. Creative Solar, a Georgia company led by Russell Seifert, is the preferred solar installer for all Solarize Atlanta projects.
Codi Norred, Program Director for Georgia Interfaith Power & Light, explained, “This donated solar array not only provides clean, affordable energy for this community development organization, but it also is a model for the neighborhood and other housing developers about solar’s potential across Atlanta. We are proud to have been a part of this campaign and to see that clean energy is powering Atlanta’s affordable housing market.”
On Tuesday, February 25, 2020, at 3:00pm, the community is invited to a Solarize Atlanta celebration and ribbon cutting at QuestCDC for the unveiling of the donated solar array. Members of the Atlanta City Council will be speaking as well as Nathaniel Smith, Chief Equity Officer of Partnership for Southern Equity. Quest Communities is located at 878 Rock St NW, Atlanta GA, 30314.
At this unveiling on February 25, Councilman Andre Dickens, Councilman Matt Westmoreland, and Chief Sustainability Officer for the City of Atlanta Shelby Buso will speak about energy burden, solarize programs, and 100% clean energy in Atlanta respectively.
Solarize Atlanta is a coalition of NGOs and for-profit entities working together to expand access to solar across the city. Partners include:
Georgia Interfaith Power & Light engages communities of faith in stewardship of creation and climate action as a witness to faith and as a moral response to climate change and environmental injustice across the state. www.gipl.org
Environment Georgia works statewide to protect Georgia’s air, water and green spaces. www.environmentgeorgia.org.
Sierra Club defends our most precious resources and wild places in Georgia. www.sierraclub.org/georgia
Southface Energy Institute promotes sustainable homes, workplaces and communities through education, research, advocacy, and technical assistance. www.southface.org
Solar Crowdsource develops community group purchasing programs for solar energy and battery storage while working to improve access to solar for all citizens. www.solarcrowdsource.com
Creative Solar USA is Georgia-based, turn-key installer of innovative solar panel systems, dedicated to alternative energy solutions for your home or business. www.creativesolarusa.com