Quest is honored to be a chartered member of NeighborWorks® America, one of our major funders in the affordable housing space. As a member of their network we are excited to announce that we have an "Exemplary" rating and look forward to a long meaningful partnership with this incredible organization.

L-R: Quest COO, Melanie Faison and CEO, Leonard Adams with Dr. Christie Cade of NeighborWorks America at the Westside Housing Trifecta event - Nov. 15, 2023.
NeighborWorks® America monitors the health of the network through an established organizational assessment process. Chartered network organizations (NWOs) must participate in regularly scheduled program reviews to evaluate their compliance with charter membership standards and performance in six performance areas, identified by the acronym "PROMPT®." PROMPT program reviews are conducted approximately every 36 months for NWOs, with limited scope off-site reviews conducted approximately annually. The Organizational Assessment Division has established review procedures and tools to help the review teams and the organization's members assess their health, risk, performance and capacity in the following areas and NeighborWorks America network-related lines of business: P - PRODUCTION/PROGRAM SERVICES - (Lines of Business - Impact/ Sustainability/ Capacity/ Monitoring/ Infrastructure) R - RESOURCE AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - (Resource Management and Financial Health and Financial Management, Accounting Systems and Procedures) O - ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND BOARD GOVERNANCE - (Corporate Leadership, Board Oversight, and Committee/Task Groups) M - MANAGEMENT – STAFFING AND PERSONNEL P - PLANNING - (Multiyear Strategic and Annual Operational Planning) T - TECHNICAL OPERATING AND COMPLIANCE SYSTEMS - (Program Service Delivery Procedures, Client and Contract Management and Compliance Systems)
The Organizational Health Tracking System (OHTS) and Committee NeighborWorks America has established a corporate Organizational Health Tracking System (OHTS) and a committee that meets quarterly to monitor NWO health and risks issues. The OHTS has also established a sixpoint rating system based on PROMPT to support its goal of building and sustaining a network of excellence.
The OHTS Committee uses the PROMPT model and Exceed, Met, Meet with Concern, and Does Not Meet results to determine an NWO's rating as described in the table below. Members of the OHTS Committee consist of NeighborWorks America corporate and divisional staff leadership and representatives from each related capital corporation. The various members provide quarterly updates on NWO performance issues, and the OHTS Committee determines if there is any potential impact on an NWO rating that would require some followup action between program review cycles.
Criteria for the NeighborWorks America NWO Rating System Rating Criteria for Preliminary Rating Exemplary Exceed performance standards in Production/Program Services, Resource Management, Financial Management, and Organizational Management and Board Governance (PRO) and Meet in other PROMPT dimensions.
Strong Exceed performance standards in at least three of the following dimensions: Production/Program Services, Resource Management, Financial Management, and Organizational Management and Board Governance (PRO) and no Does Not Meet or no Meets with Concern in other PROMPT dimensions Good Exceed performance standards in at least one of the following dimensions: Production/Program Services, Resource Management, and Organizational Management and Board Governance (PRO) and no Does Not Meet in other PROMPT dimensions. Satisfactory Meet or Meet with Concern in all PRO dimensions and Meet in MPT dimensions.
A rating of Exceed in the Financial Management category alone, without an Exceed in Production/Program Services, Resource Management, or Organizational Management and Board Governance will result in a Satisfactory rating. Serious Exceed, Meet, or Meet with Concern in Production/Program Services, Resource Management, Financial Management, and Organization Management and Board Governance dimension but Does Not Meet in any MPT dimension. Organizations that were rated Vulnerable may be raised to Serious by the OHTS Committee if the organization has developed a plan to mitigate the risk issues causing failure in any of the PRO categories as long as imminent organizational failure is not likely.
Vulnerable Does Not Meet any one of the Production/Program Services, Resource Management, Financial Management, and Organization Management and Board Governance (PRO) or any 2 of the remaining 3 MPT dimensions
Results that describe Exceed: The organization has developed "core line of business competencies" that produce sustained and stable services consistent with its board-approved operating policies and its annual business and multiyear strategic plans. Services achieve board-adopted performance measures (production levels and impact goals) and partnership expectations and are efficiently delivered to maximize resources in producing and sustaining affordable housing, achieving community revitalization, neighborhood stabilization and customer/partner satisfaction.