We are on a mission to create resilient communities & foster social equity through collaboration & service integration.

What began as a small grassroots organization in 2001— housing underserved individuals in Vine City — has since grown into an effective and state-wide nonprofit organization serving many. Yet, one thing has remained the same. We are and have always been #ForTheCommunity.

Our Communities are the epicenter for social change
Quest helps the most vulnerable among us — homeless families, disabled citizens, and the marginally housed, by providing housing and the resources needed to support self-sufficiency.
Quest is one of the few housing developers in Georgia focused exclusively on housing residents at the lowest income levels to advance social equity and economic inclusion.

We believe that everyone should have an opportunity to create a life for themselves from a strong foundation — a safe and secure place to call home where no family is *cost burdened.
*paying more than 30% of their income for rent/mortgage
We are building a
Resilient Future
on Atlanta's Westside
With access to Affordable Housing, Supportive Services, Fiduciary & Payee Services - residents can improve the quality of life for themselves and their families.